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Dolní Oldříš memorial FJI.


Emperor FJI's monument is only on a postcard. So far it has not been possible to find out more.

Dolní Oldřiš (Nieder Ullersdorf in German) is a small village, part of the municipality of Bulovka in the district of Liberec. It is located about 5 km northeast of Bulovka. On the website there is a postcard and a cut from a postcard of Dolní Oldříš depicting the monument of Emperor Francis Joseph I. The text cannot be read. According to the picture, the monument consists of a square plinth with a commemorative plaque and a group of stones. A tree grows behind the plaque. There is a low white painted fence around the monument.

In der Tabelle Seznam drpalik NOVĚ (5).xls ist unter Punkt 141 das Denkmal für Kaiser Franz Josef I. in Dolní Oldříš auf dem Webr-Hügel aufgeführt.
This is the only detail of the monument's location that I have found.

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