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Krásná (německy Schumburg, until 1950 honorably Šumburk) je vesnice a část obce Pěnčín v district of Jablonec nad Nisou v Libereckém kraji. It is located about 1.5 kilometers west of Pěnčín. Krásná is located in the cadastral territory Jistebsko with an area of 2.52 km².

In 1872, the Šumburg Association of Military Veterans was founded and included members from the villages of Dalešice Jistebsko, Maršovice and Černá Studnice. It had one hundred and thirty members, of which twenty-six were honorary. August Schmidt took over the leadership of the association as chairman.

On the occasion of the sixty-year anniversary of the reign of His Majesty Emperor Francis Joseph I, the association had a stone monument built in 1908, which was supposed to express his patriotism and loyalty to the imperial court. The monument was ceremoniously unveiled on October 4, 1908 – the emperor's name day.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, volleys from the mortar summoned the members of the association and the participants of the celebration to the association's clubhouse. The whole place was festively decorated, especially the area near the school. A life-size picture of the monarch with the numbers 1848 – 1908 was placed on the school floor. ​

At exactly three o'clock, the line-up of the parade began at the "U domášek žarádka" inn, and the guests of honor were invited to follow the musicians along Horská Street to the place of celebration, where a large audience had already gathered. The local choir Harmonie impressively performed the festive hymn, composed by teacher Rudolf Schmidt. The president of the association, August Schmidt, gave a toast. On behalf of the municipality of Šumburk - Jistebsko, the mayor of Šumburk - Jistebsko greeted those present and especially warmly welcomed the guests of honor, the council of the municipality and the teaching staff from Šumburk - Jistebsko. ​

After the unveiling of the three-tiered monument, the pupils planted an imperial oak in the school garden. This act was accompanied by an informative speech by the managing teacher Ernest Kasper.

Einer der Schüler trug ein Gedicht vor und die anderen Kinder sangen ein Festlied. Nach der Parade des Verbandes der Kriegsveteranen ging es weiter zum Gasthaus „U Lípy“, wo ein kleiner Leckerbissen serviert wurde. Nach einer kurzen Begrüßungsrede wurden den Gästen der Wortlaut des an das Kaiseramt gerichteten Grußtelegramms und der Text des Fürbittbriefes von Herrn Müller aus „Müllersheim“ vorgestellt. Anschließend wurden Musikstücke präsentiert, die von einem gemischten Chor und Solisten vorgetragen wurden. Die Herren Schmidt, Juppe, Bernt, Zenker, Klepáč, Posselt und Elstner führten die übertragenen Aufgaben vorbildlich aus. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die hervorragende Darbietung des 1. Violinkonzerts „David“ von Herrn Bernt mit der Klavierbegleitung von Herrn Schmidt. ​

At the end of the report, we cannot forget the merits of the mayor of the village, Mr. Schmidt, who devoted a lot of effort to the preparation of the event and which was highly appreciated.​

The monument was purchased from the funds of the Association of War Veterans, a contribution from the village and voluntary contributions of Mr. Centurion Elstner - 50 K, Reverend P. Gerrissen and honorary member Mr. Wenzel from Rychnov - 10 K each.

J. Smolková

Source: State district archive Jablonec nad Nisou




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